
ASAP – Blogging Ideas wanted!

After the hard work you do on an Ultimate Blogging Challenge it is sometimes difficult to get back on track after the challenge is over. Personally I feel a bit like a balloon that has lost its air.

I was able to follow my blogging schedule on Wednesday with some graphics I did for a lovely customer as “Wordless Wednesday”, I adapted the timeline cover pix idea of Melissa Barham on Thursday for a “Top Thursday” post and than I fell off!

No idea for Font Friday, completely forgotten my Saturday and even Scenic Sunday went away with no pictures. Couldn’t even muse around on Monday. I am musing now. And I will skip the strict blogging schedule for a while.

Problem and big question:

I need Ideas! Ideas to pep up this  blog, to make it more interesting for readers and to follow  more strictly the graphical… technical path.

Ladies and Gentlemen, dear reader, dear friend, dear reader-to-be,

I need your help, please tell me what you would like to read in future?

Any questions you have which I can answer with a tip?

Some ideas you would like to see visualized?

Same goes for quotes … your favorite quote and I do a little graphic for it …

Don’t be shy … this is your chance!

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5 thoughts on “ASAP – Blogging Ideas wanted!

  1. sorry dear working on that problem over at my own house as well.

  2. How about tips for using Photoshop Elements i.e. how to increase the clarity of your image, what “x” means and how to use it, checklist for image improvement? Or how to take better photos indoors at night.

    Hope that helps! They’d help me anyway :o)

    • thanks caylie
      wish i could teach people photoshop elements … yet i don.t know that programm, “just” photoshop. i know that PE is a more user friendly version, but i don.t know what they have left out!

      on the photo-tips: guess i have to ask michèle taylor for a guest blog on that 🙂

  3. One of the challenges of a blog, I believe, is to stay on topic. Sometimes it’s hard to find things that are both relevant and interesting. Personally I like technical stuff so your blog is “up my ally”. Of course there are two of us at CHS so I’m speaking in Alessa’s voice…. So… THIS blog… well anything to do with your design, I guess, would be interesting: the mental process, the fonts, the medium on which you apply them and the methods, (if electronic then tips, technical know-how), inspiration, aspirations, the results of networking or the personalities of clients…. Ok that’s my two cents…

    • yes that.s right alessa … staying on topic is the most challenging challenge … i could talk about much stuff but yet it is not relevant for this blog.
      i love to “teach” technical stuff too, so it might be interesting what people might like to know.

      yes maybe i could share more on the “how it has been done the way it is done” … depending on the customer i guess ;D

      like your two cents alessa, much appreciated!